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!No se gana por lo que haces, si no por lo que sabes!

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010


Francisco Javier Brizuela

Level IV

Lic. Camen Guzman


Plagiarism refers to a form of cheating that has been defined as "the false assumption of authorship: the wrongful act of taking the product of another person´s mind, and presenting it as one´s own"(Alexander Lindey, Plagiarism and Originality [New York: Harper, 1952] 2) (Focus on the Writing and Reading prcess).

Talking about the activity that we did yesterday, I think it was good. personally I can say this activity was useful to me, because I realized that sometimes unwittingly we commit plagiarism, but How. For instance, when our teacher assings us something related whit a general topic, the first thing that we do is go on the internet and copy & paste whitout mentioning the place we got the information, What happend?. We unwittingly commited plagiarism. Now i have a question. Have I ever commited plagiarism? What do you think? Do you think I´ve commited plagiarism or I haven´t ? The answer: Yes, I´ve sometimes commited plagiarism, and let me tell you that I feel a little bit sad. However, now i know what is plagiarism and I´m happy for that.

From Today I will try do not commit plagiarism, because i know that if I do it, I will be deluding myself. I will try to cite anything that I take from other person´s mind.
Remember if you commit plagiarism you surely will have consequences, like pity and scorn. Be careful a the of writing, it´s better to be corrected than to be be embarrassed.

Sincerely: FJBrizuela

2 comentarios:

  1. Just remember to put the pronoun "I" In capital Letter, beside that everything is fine
